Friday, September 26, 2008

A really funny story about Russ

I participate once a week with a group that writes stories about their lives. The compiler is using them in a book (I'll finally be published!) called "Slice of Life Sunday".

I went searching in my journal for a story from my twenties to share because I couldn't think of any I hadn't already shared on the blog - at least none that were positive, and I didn't want to write doom and gloom. I ran across this entry about Russ in court and laughed. I thought maybe ya'll might like to read a little anecdote about him:

Vindication is Sweet

If not, that's cool. Just thought I'd share. I should write some more about some of the adventures I've had with him and cops...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Christmas Already?!

Ok, this is just a thought I am throwing out there. Since we have an ever expanding family there have already been a few conversations about Christmas and how to approach it. Here is my idea, I have ran it by a couple of people and they all seemed to like it. Here is the idea: Everyone gives to mom and dad (aka Jim and Sandy), and in turn they give to everyone. Then their kids and their spouses draw names and you are responsible for the name you are given. No cheating and giving a gift to everyone because that will make those that stuck to the name exchange feel bad. Then only if you want to or have the means to, you can do whatever you want for nieces and nephews. Sound ok? Let me know. I did the name draw already so tell me if it is ok, if you would rather not participate just let me know. Thanks!

Name - Person they are buying for

Russ - Gary
Aine - Rachael (Danny's) :)
Deonna - Aine
Josh - James
Rachel - Erin
James - Russ
Gary - Danny
Erin - PJ
Doug - Josh
PJ - Rachel
Danny - Doug
Rachael - Deonna

I hope this works, I know it would make it a little lighter on all our pocket books this Christmas, so let me know if it will work for you! By the way it was a totally random draw we picked names from a bowl! :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Remembering Ike

Rachel and I were talking just the other day that it seems Ike got all this hype before slamming into us and now there is not much mentioned about it. So much is going on here now, lives have been lost, destruction has occurred and cities lost. However, it has brought people to revisit basic human emotions. It is truly bringing out the best in people, seeing the community reach out and help each other, neighbors actually taking time to meet and help each other. Many people outside of this area however don't get a full grasp of what has happened down here and the extent of the devastation. I was just relaxing after working outside today and felt like I wanted to do something to share w/people a little bit about what has happened down here. Nothing big or good, but just to give a taste of what is going on here now. I hope you enjoy.
Make sure your sound is on.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Just letting everyone know, if you scroll down a bit on the right side of the blog is a list of other family blogs. All you have to do is click on one of the names and it will take you right to it. Just thought I would make it a bit easier for everyone.

New Family Blog!!

Hey guys! Venus has a blog we set up to show off her drawings as she makes them... she has two posted so far!

Creations By Venus

She'd LOVE it if you stopped by to tell her what you think.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Template

I like this template you're using - what website are you visiting now? For templates, I mean...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Birthday Snapshots

Thought Mom and Dad would like to see some pics of Orion opening his gifts from them. (Please note these are taken PRE-birthday haircut! lol!!) Redbeard was going to round him up to call yesterday, but we were canning plums (yes, I know - it was Sunday, but we were desperate and asked the Lord to bless it anyway) and just flat forgot. Hopefully tonight as we start on the next bucket of plums (and we still have to pick the apple tree) we'll get that done. ;)

There are more pics and 2 small videos on our family blog (NOT the homeschool blog). I put them there so my family could see as well. Love ya.

Thursday, September 4, 2008



Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our new Home

Hey Everyone....I'm sure you all know by now but just wanted to post it because we are excited....WE GOT A HOUSE!!!!!! Right now our close date is scheduled for September 19th as long as nothing changes. Here is a link where you can pull it up to see pictures of it if you would like.

Once we get moved in and we have a computer at home again (we are living with Dougs parents right now) I will post some more pictures. Love you guys! PJ & Doug