Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Home

Hey everyone...I know this is a little bit later than planned but I'm going to post the pictures of our house. They are mostly before we moved in and I will post more as we get rooms done. The house is 3 bedroom 2 bath and it's 1800 sq feet, just to give you all an idea. Just ignore any messes that you may see in the's still a work in progress! I love you guys!

This is our living room....on the far right where you see the glass is the front door, and the far left is the master bedroom...the one next to it is our dining room and the new light that we hung...

This was the kitchen before...ugly huh?........... and this is the kitchen in progress, but you get the idea...

The master bathtub....and shower, and you can see into the master closet. You can get to the master closet from the small hallway or from the master's a huge walk-in.

This is the master's hanging our new ceiling fan...that's a huge built in entertainment center in the corner of our room.

This is my mantle with my Thanksgiving decorations....I don't have a ton, but oh well! I forgot to take a picture of my Halloween stuff. There was a lot more than there is now...I still love it.

This is going to be our "Photo wall" it's the wall in the dining room...I started hanging stuff tonight because I got bored!

Ok, so I'm sorry about the photo overload but I'm just trying to give all of you who haven't seen my house an idea of what it looks like... I hope you enjoy and like I said I will add more once the house is cleaned up a bit :) and once the kitchen is's going to have a cherry border in it too, if you can picture it. I love all of you guys and I miss you all! Enjoy my pictures!

~PJ & Doug


Rachel Seren said...

looking good pj!

Pirate Princess said...

Oh how fun - and we don't mind the picture overload. Not bad for a first house - much nicer than ours in Willis! :)

PJ Bateman said...

Yeah, I love it....I just want the kitchen to be done so we can unpack all of our dishes because right now they are all stacked in the guest bedroom. It's annoying!!!